Anxiety is a prevalent issue that many encounter today, and meditation for anxiety provides significant relief. The philosopher Martin Heidegger distinguishes between fear and anxiety. While fear is of a definite object in the external world, anxiety is not directed at any object. It seems to arise out of nowhere. It is this vague feeling of uneasiness, of not feeling at home in the world. Bayside meditation has guided meditation classes in queens. These are the best meditation classes for mindfulness and lowering anxiety.

To be a conscious human being is to become involved in the universe of time. Unfortunately the passage of time subjects us to losses and disappointments. The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said “ Time is that by virtue of which everything becomes nothingness in our hands and loses a real value. “ There is a naive innocence in childhood because children are less conscious of time. They tend to be living in the present moment because they have not developed a memory, and have only a vague concept of the future.
People have sought various ways of escaping from the I’ll effects of time, including sleep, drunkenness, passion and religious ecstasy. Unfortunately these things only offer a temporary respite.

One way of dealing with the anxiety in our lives, is to make a connection with what exists beyond time. The English poet Thomas Traherne says “The world is a mirror of infinite beauty, yet no man sees it.” When we make a connection with what is eternal we are one with the infinite universe. We no longer see ourselves as separate and existing in time.
Buddhism says that desire and attachments are the root of all human suffering. If we let go of our desires and attachments we can live with greater peace of mind. Making time for meditation and quiet time alone can lessen anxiety by freeing our minds of noise and distractions.
Bayside meditation has guided meditation classes in queens. These are the best meditation classes for ridding the mind of attachments and negative emotions. When we stop clinging to a self or ego, we can become one with what is eternal and unchanging in the universe.