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Why should I be mindful and take decisions mindfully?

Living in mindfulness 🧘allows you to go with the flow🍃.

I have always made decisions on impulse, without thinking and noticed my irrational decision-making lead to serious consequences. I tried to be mindful and make decisions mindfully , but my habits took control over me and I was back to square one. Think about the times you made impulsive decisions and stop to consciously think how you felt after, how others felt and assess the situation. From my personal experience after impulsive purchases that I did not need I felt guilty, upset, and angry due to increased financial debt, yet only providing momentary happiness. Also, I recall as a college student quitting my job without thinking because I did not want to receive an unsatisfactory critique. I was not conscious of the owners feelings and insensitive to how my sudden absence would affect their work. Impulsive decision making stems from our habits, insecurities, lack of confidence and emotional state (e.g. depression). It was difficult for me to stop these negative behaviors, until I learned about meditation. Meditation has been an outlet to help me feel centered, calm, and clear minded 🙏

Some things I learned from meditation:

1. Stress and anxiety are number one triggers in poor decision making. Being mindful and taking decisions mindfully is key to a happy and fulfilled life.

2. Meditation is learning to be consciously aware, focus on the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or imagining the future. “Our brains are wired to think, worry, remember, predict, plan, and regret.” – C. Naumburg Mindfulness asks us to swim with the tide of natures flow in finding our true self.

3. We all live mindlessly, unaware of our judging mind, constantly evaluating and comparing because it is easier to avoid and continue life on ‘autopilot.’ Through meditation I became more consciously aware on how to mindfully problem solve. For example, as opposed to erratic yelling towards siblings I have learned to accept and understand, which has helped form a stronger bond.

4. Being aware of our thoughts, feelings, surrounding environment without judgement allows you to portray these qualities on to others. You will notice a sudden change of perception in life and happiness with in. How we feel and how we carry our life impacts ourselves and others drastically. Let’s work together and make wholesome decisions.

Ultimately, seeing the world as infinite potential and endless possibility is effortless. There is a sense of relief. “Our life is shaped by our mind, for we become what we think.” – Buddha

Below a video provided clarifies mindfulness. ❤️

How to Live in the Moment



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